Monday, February 22, 2010

Another partial read

Narcissism, Denial of the True Self, by Alexander Lowen, M.D.


"Narcissism describes both a psychological and a cultural condition.  On the individual level, it denotes a personality disturbance characterized by an exaggerated investment in one's image at the expense of the self.  Narcissists are more concerned with how they appear than what they feel.  Indeed, they deny feelings that contradict the image they seek.  Acting without feeling, they tend to be seductive and manipulative, striving for power and control.  They are egotists, focused on their own interests but lacking the true values of the self - namely, self expression, self-possession, dignity, and integrity.  Narcissists lack a sense of self derived from body feelings.  Without a solid sense of self, they experience life as empty and meaningless.  It is a desolate state."

Amy Bishop seems to be a PERFECT example of a narcissist gone mad.  Tiger Woods is likely another.

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